Sudanese Folklore-Inspired Arts (SuFIA) is a pilot project that aims to engage members of the Sudanese community in Bristol in various art forms. The project has four strands:

  • 'Zola (colloq. Sudanese: Lady) Tales', engaging Sudanese women in weekly theatre workshops to create a performance about their heritage.

  • 'Little Folk' weekly creative arts group for under 5s.

  • 'Fen (Arabic: arts) for Fun': a series of holiday arts intensives for young people in various art forms, including drama, puppetry, African drumming and tribal dance, and spoken word.

  • Noba: Sudanese men drumming and chanting

SuFIA project started as a small initiative sponsored by acta. As the project grew and expanded, I reached out to several UK funding bodies and secured substantial funds from Arts Council England, The National Lottery Community Fund, Bristol City Council's Originators Fund, and other trusts and foundations.